The Ministry of Employment and Labor greatly appreciates your dedication and contributions to Korea's economic development and properity.
The guidelines for Happy Return, as the name says it all, will happily help you build a better life with your family and friends back home.
Take advatange of our finedt return support services. It will make your return preparation much easier.
by: Ministry of Employment and labor
1.Benefit from Return
presentation on Model Returnees-
- Holding presentations on exemplary returnees who have successfully reintergrated back into their home country
- Providing counseling services on how to cope with difficulties during the resettlement process.
(Application available at HRD branch offices call: 1577-0071)
Training Skills and Business Startups
- free business training and career help to start a business or get a job at local Korean companies.
- Providing free 40-hour training at a training center near the workplace
(Applications available at HRD branch offices call:1577-0071)
Certificate Issuance
-Issuing certification of work in Korea to facilitate job applications to Korean companies or multinational corporations in the community
(Apply online or visit one of our job centers)
(Online application [EPS English website, available from the second half of 2011]
Employment opportunities at local Korean Companies
Offering employment opportunities, at local Korean companies in particular ,via job fairs and on-and off-line job placement service.
(Applications available online or HRD branch offices[www.eps.hrdkores.or.kr]
Online Network Returned Workers
Running cyber cafes and organizing offline gatherings on a regular basis to support the resettlement process
-Posting Korean news on websites.
(Applications available online or HRD branch offices )
Return Job -www.eps.hrdkorea.or.kr
2. Don't Forget to Claim Insurance Payments!
***Departure Guarantee Insurance and Return Cost Insurance***
(samsung fire & marine insurance co.ltd. call 02-2119-2400
*Departure Guarantee Insurance
-foreign worker who have worked at least one year without any incidence of unauthorized absence from workplace are eligible for Departure Guarantee Insurance Payments.
**if the actual amount paid by the insurance company is less than the amount of severance pay the worker is entitle to receive, the difference will be made up by his/her employer.
**return cost insurance
-returning workers may request for the return cost insurance in single payment
** insurance claims procedure and required documents {for all benefeciaries}
1. submit "departure schedule confirmation form "to the job center one month prior to the scheduled departure date
2. get a confirmation notice of the form submission and a confirmation note of departure from the job center
3. make the insurance claim to Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance C0. ltd.
-required documents
Insurance claim form, identification {copy of his /her passport or foreign registration card}and a copy of his /her own bankbook
*Claim for Lump-sum Refund of the National Pension Scheme
(national pension service call 1355)
**in the case of foreigner falling under any of the following conditions, a lump-sum refund will be paid:
***in cases where a foreigner whose home country has concluded a social security agreement with Korea regarding the payment of the lump-sum refund,
***regardless of nationality, in cases where a foreigner, who has beeen covered under the national pension scheme with a stay visa of E-9 {non-professional employment or H-2 (visiting employment)return to his /her country.
[tips for transporting foreign currency at the airport
foriegn workers are not allowed to transport more than 10,000 US dollars when departing from Korea. please make sure to wire the money to your bank account in advance to avoid any possible fines for carrying excessive undeclared foreign currency.
{any person who transport more than 10,000 Us dollars into or out of Korea is subject to mandatory declaration and must present declaration of foreign currency to the custom otherwise the person will be liable to a fine pursuant to Article 16 and 32 of Foreign Exchange Transactionn Act of korea.
3. Say No to Illegal Stay in Korea
Illegal stay is a Serious Violation of the Korean Law
**Foreigners who are caught in Korea for working without a residence permit will be subject to imprisonment for less than 3 years or a fine of not more than 20 million won.
**Employers who hire foreign workers without proper documentation are also subject to imprisonment for less than 3 years or a fine of not more than 20 million won and will be stripped of the right to hire legal migrant workers for 3 years.
Workers who illegally stay in Korea after the expiration of their employment period will face serious disadvantages
**undocumented workers are unable to lead normal lives as they are constantly in fear of getting caught or being deported. They are often encounter dangerous situations or fall victim to unlawfull practices such as unpaid wages, labor exploitation and violation of human rights.
**Voluntary returnees will be able to come back and work in Korea after 6 months of their departure however, returned workers whom have once illegally stayed or worked in Korea will be permanently banned from entering Korea.
High rate of illegal stay of workers will deprive honest hard working men and women in your country of their employment opportunities in Korea
** Countries with high rates of illegal stay of workers will face reduction in the job quota or suspension of the receiving process. as a result, increase in the rate will take away job opportunities from other workers in the country or make it much harder for them to be employed in Korea.
**The rise in the number of undocumented workers of a country will have a negative impact on and cause serious damage to the long -term relationship with Korea.
The Ministry of Employment and Labor wishes you all the best and truly hopes your experience in Korea will be a stepping stone to your success and comfortable life with your family in your home country.
HRD telephone numbers and fax number
Hrd -head office: 지역본부 02-3247-9622 /3247-9658
Seoul area- 서울동부 02-3409-1919 / 461-8303
서울남부-026907-7214 / 885-6718
Gangwon 강원-033-248-8500 /248-8540
Gangrung 강릉-033-644-8211~4 /644-8215
Busan area
Busan hrd head office - 051-330-1833 / 361-8042
051-620-190,1970 /621-7386
Gyeongnam 055-285-4001~3 /283-1978
Ulsan 052-276-9031~3 / 278-7732
Deagu area 053-580-2365/584-8219
Gyungbok 054-855-2121~ 3 / 855-2001
Pohang 054-278-7702~4/278-7732
Gyeong-in head office032-820-8656/818-2193
Kwangju area 062-970-1751~4/972-3873
Daejon area 042-580-9161~3/586-1919
Good Luck to you all!,!!! thank you
courtesy of Miss Gennie KIM (She is the Adviser- Online Forum of Sulyapinoy Website)