1. Vocational Training
v Place: Yeil Vocational Training Institute
v Recruiting Area
o Basic Job Training for Manufacturing,
o Computer Operation (Office Automation)
o Computer Repair (Personal Computer Maintenance)
v Admission will be given to 30 students for each area
v Support: 1) Tuition free, 2) Free textbook, lunch and transportation will be provided.
2. Application Requirement
v VISA Status: E-9 Non-Professional Employment
v Required Documents: Certification of Alien Registration (1 copy).
3. Training Terms: Class will be on Sunday only.
v 1st Term
o Application and Admission Schedule: 2010. 06. 05 ~ 2010. 07. 03
o Training /schedule: 2010. 07. 18 ~ 2010. 09. 05 (8 weeks)
o Class Schedule: 10:00 ~ 17:00 (6 hours/day)
o Lunch time: 13:00 ~ 14:00 (Cafeteria)
v 2nd Term
o Application and Admission Schedule: 2010.08.01~2010.09.04
o Training /schedule: 2010. 09. 05 ~ 2010.10. 24(8 weeks)
o Class Schedule: 10:00AM~17:00PM (6 hours/day)
o Lunch time: 13:00 ~ 14:00 (Cafeteria)
4. Application and Admission
v Priority will be given to applicants from Vietnam, Indonesia, China, Thailand, and Philippines. Students from foreign country using English will also be welcomed.
v Application will be received through Fax (031-485-7474). You may visit our institute for your application. Application will be closed, when the applicants reach the class size. Be sure!!! Application will be accepted by application order.
5. Contacts: Yeil Vocational Training Institute
v Tel : 031-485-8500, Fax: 031-485-7474, Homepage: http://www.yeil.or.kr/
v Address: Ohseung BLDG 3 floor 542 Gojandong Danweongu Ansansi Kyeunggido