* A foreigner who is scheduled to depart for his own country through Incheon International Airport within a month
* Airport Payment is possible only in case ex-employer makes a disqualification report to National Pension Service at least one day before the departure date.
****if you are to depart from Korea on Saturday, Sunday of Korean legal (official) holiday, you can not apply for Airport Payment. Therefore, you should choose alternative options such as receiving through domestic account or overseas remittance.
****Airport Payment is applicable only in case flight's departure time is from 11:00 throguh 22:00
* Select Airport Payment when you apply for Lump-Sum Refund
* Applicants should hand in another form of bank account for additional payment in case non-payable reasons happen on the departure date.
* Within a month before the departure date for your own country
* Regional offices and Incheon Airport Office of National Pension Service
*ID card (Alien Registration Card, passport), an airline ticket and a copy of bankbook (for additional payment)
1. Hand in forms of "Application for Lump-sum Refund and "Application for Lump-sum Refund at the Airport and then receive a filled receipt: all regional and Incheon Airport Office of the National Pension Service (Office hours 09:00~18:00)
2. Receive" Statement of Lump-sum Refund" and "Direction of Payment of Lump-sum Refund "from Incheon Airport Office after handing in the filling receipt, passport and flight ticket on the date of departure
(Office hours 09:00~17:00)
3. Receive the Receipt of Currency Exchange" from Shinhan Bank Incheon International branch after handing in "Direction Payment of Lump-sum Refund" and a passport (Office hours 09:00~17:00)
4. Withdraw the exchanged money from currency exchange booth of Shinhan Bank (infront 0f 29th boarding gate) after handing in "Direction for Payment of Lump-sum Refund "' Receipt of Currency Exchange"and a passport
(office hours 09:00~21:00)
1~Application for Lump-sum refund (Regional offices and Incheon Airport Office of NPS) > Select Airport Payment when you apply for Lump-sum refund
2 ~ Decision for payment of Lump-sum Refund (Airport Office of NPS) > Decision for payment of Lump-sum Refund on the date of departure after checking details of application
3~ Shinhan Bank Incheon International Branch (currency exchange booth) >Process for currency exchange of Lump-sum Refund Declaration at the customs of the amount of cash is over $10,000
4 ~ Going through the departure procedure (Ministry of Justice)>The examination of personal's belongings and customs declaration\
5~ Withdrawal of the exchanged money of Lump-sum refund (Currency exchange booth of Shinhan bank in front of 29th boarding gate)
6~ Departure >Boarding and Departure
By Ginnie Kim
* A foreigner who is scheduled to depart for his own country through Incheon International Airport within a month
* Airport Payment is possible only in case ex-employer makes a disqualification report to National Pension Service at least one day before the departure date.
****if you are to depart from Korea on Saturday, Sunday of Korean legal (official) holiday, you can not apply for Airport Payment. Therefore, you should choose alternative options such as receiving through domestic account or overseas remittance.
****Airport Payment is applicable only in case flight's departure time is from 11:00 throguh 22:00
* Select Airport Payment when you apply for Lump-Sum Refund
* Applicants should hand in another form of bank account for additional payment in case non-payable reasons happen on the departure date.
* Within a month before the departure date for your own country
* Regional offices and Incheon Airport Office of National Pension Service
*ID card (Alien Registration Card, passport), an airline ticket and a copy of bankbook (for additional payment)
1. Hand in forms of "Application for Lump-sum Refund and "Application for Lump-sum Refund at the Airport and then receive a filled receipt: all regional and Incheon Airport Office of the National Pension Service (Office hours 09:00~18:00)
2. Receive" Statement of Lump-sum Refund" and "Direction of Payment of Lump-sum Refund "from Incheon Airport Office after handing in the filling receipt, passport and flight ticket on the date of departure
(Office hours 09:00~17:00)
3. Receive the Receipt of Currency Exchange" from Shinhan Bank Incheon International branch after handing in "Direction Payment of Lump-sum Refund" and a passport (Office hours 09:00~17:00)
4. Withdraw the exchanged money from currency exchange booth of Shinhan Bank (infront 0f 29th boarding gate) after handing in "Direction for Payment of Lump-sum Refund "' Receipt of Currency Exchange"and a passport
(office hours 09:00~21:00)
1~Application for Lump-sum refund (Regional offices and Incheon Airport Office of NPS) > Select Airport Payment when you apply for Lump-sum refund
2 ~ Decision for payment of Lump-sum Refund (Airport Office of NPS) > Decision for payment of Lump-sum Refund on the date of departure after checking details of application
3~ Shinhan Bank Incheon International Branch (currency exchange booth) >Process for currency exchange of Lump-sum Refund Declaration at the customs of the amount of cash is over $10,000
4 ~ Going through the departure procedure (Ministry of Justice)>The examination of personal's belongings and customs declaration\
5~ Withdrawal of the exchanged money of Lump-sum refund (Currency exchange booth of Shinhan bank in front of 29th boarding gate)
6~ Departure >Boarding and Departure
By Ginnie Kim