Recently, South Korea passed the dual citizenship laws and will take effect in January 2011. Former Filipinos who have become naturalized citizens of South Korea are advised to prepare the necessary documents so they can apply for retentions and reacquisition of Philippine citizenship when the law takes effect.
Dual Citizenship FAQ
The Philippine Embassy in Seoul wishes to inform that Petitions for Retention and Reacquisition of Philippine Citizenship may be filed at the Embassy pursuant to Republic Act No. 9225 otherwise known as the "Citizenship Retention and Reacquisition Act of 2003" and Memorandum Circular No. AFF-04-01, "Rules Governing Philippine Citizenship Under RepublicAct (R.A.) No. 9225 and Administrative Order (A.O.) No. 91, Series of 2004" issued by the Bureau of Immigration.
Who Are eligible?
All natural born Filipinos who have lost their Philippine citizenship due to naturalization as a citizen of another country may file a Petition for Retention and Reacquisition of Philippine Citizenship on their behalf and that of their unmarried minor children below 18 years of age.
What are the requirements for retaining or reacquiring Philippine citizenship?
A. Requirements to become eligible
1. The applicant must be a former natural born Filipino;
2. Loss of one's Philippine citizenship must be due to naturalization in a foreign country;
3. The dependent/s of the principal who are retaining or reacquiring their Philippine
citizenship must be a) minor, and b) unmarried and below 18 years of age
B. Procedural Requirements
1. Complete the Petition for Retention and Reacquisition of Philippine Citizenship;
2. The Petition must be made under oath;
3. The Petition must contain the applicant's latest address;
4. Four (4) recent 2" x 2" photographs of the applicant/s (front view over royal blue background);
5. Philippine issued Birth Certificate, for those born in the Philippines, or; original copy of the
Report of Birth (filed with the appropriate Foreign Service Post) and copy of the foreign issued
Birth Certificate, for applicants born abroad;
6. Marriage Certificate for married women;
7. Certificate of Naturalization in a foreign country;
8. Foreign issued passport;
9. The taking of an Oath of Allegiance (in prescribed form) before the Consul General.
10. Fee of US $ 50.00 and US$ 25.00 for each dependent. ( Payment can be made in Korean Won)
11. The Petition together with the supporting documents plus a copy of
the Oath of Allegiance is forwarded to the Commissioner of the Bureau of Immigration;
12.The Embassy shall issue an Order of Approval, Copy of the Oath of Allegiance and Identification Certificate (IC)
What are the requirements if minor children are included in the Petition?
The petitioner may include in the application children of minor age (i.e., less than 18 years old) as dependents. The petitioner must include the following:
a. Original and two photocopies each of the following documents. The original documents must be shown to the Embassy for verification
◦Birth certificate of each dependent. If the dependent was born outside of the Philippines, the Report of Birth issued by the Philippine Embassy or Philippine Consulate in the country where the child was born.
◦Old Philippine passport of each dependent
◦Certificate of Korean Citizenship of each dependent
◦Korean passport of each dependent
b. Four (4) passport-sized colored photographs of each dependent. The photograph must be recent (taken within the last three months) and have a royal blue background. The photographs should not show applicant in sleeveless or revealing attire and eyeglasses should be removed.
Processing Time :
The Philippine Embassy will accept all requirements and submit application for evaluation by the consular officer. Once approved, the Oath of Allegiance and will be scheduled within 5 working days.
Sylvia M. Marasigan
Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines
5-1 Itaewon 2-dong, Yongsan-Ku
Seoul 140-857, Korea
Fax (82-2) 796-0827
Tel (82+2) 796-7387 to 89 Extension 101